Sometimes things turn out differently than you think.


First, it turns out differently and secondly, it turns out differently than you think. However, the question is not how to prevent this, but how to react to the Mandarin response. The answer: developing the ability to develop answers from yourself and your organization to questions that have not yet been asked. That is the task of HUMAN OS.


Effizientere Meetings durch radikale Optimierung

pixelart GmbH; Bergheim bei Salzburg

Trotz bestehender Regeln wurden Meetings in einer der Business Units der Digitalagentur Pixelart unterschiedlich wahrgenommen und die Chance für ein Update im Betriebssystem wurde erkannt. THX setzte gemeinsam mit dem People and Culture Team auf einen mutigen Schritt: Für sechs Wochen wurden alle Meetings ausgesetzt, um herauszufinden, was wirklich gebraucht wird. Das Ergebnis? Meetings wurden komplett neu gestaltet – mit klaren Rollen statt Regeln und einem Fokus auf das Wesentliche. Das brachte nicht nur mehr Struktur in interne Besprechungen, sondern sensibilisierte das Team auch in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden effizient und ressourcenschonend zu arbeiten. Die Erkenntnis: Jedes unnötige Meeting kostet Geld, jedes effiziente Meeting spart es. Das insgesamt 12-wöchige THX Programm 'Meet Better' half Pixelart, Zeit und Ressourcen freizusetzen und machte dabei sogar noch Spaß.


Build your own operating system

Purpose and values

What is our motivation and daily compass.

Business model

What sets us apart and how do we earn money.

Objectives and Strategy

What we want to achieve and how we measure it.

People Essentials
Organizational structure

How we position ourselves and make decisions.

Personnel development

How we are constantly evolving and staying motivated.

Management culture

How we lead others in an inspiring and effective way.

Work processes

How we design and implement goal-oriented workflows.


How we work well together and work as a team.

Meeting culture

How we make meetings efficient and productive


The Human Operating System, or Human OS for short, is your company's operating system. And as is the case with operating systems - sometimes an update is needed. We ask questions and look for the answers within. We offer options that fit the reality of our customers. We come to accompany and we come to go again.

Our OKRs plans

Human OS Check

Discover where your Human OS needs an update. We listen, gather insights, and summarize. Simple and straightforward, without any obligations.

from 990€/month

Package includes

Human OS SurveyAnalysis Report2-hour Call with Action Recommendations

Ideal for

Human Resources departments and team leaders.

Book a call
Human OS Enterprise

When the chemistry is right, when we believe in each other, and when we look forward together, we at THX can give our best. We support you through all Human OS modules and stand by your side for significant improvements.

Individual offer

Package includes

Human OS Check
Human OS Setup
Custom Module Packages

Ideal for

Human Resources departments and executive management.

Book a call

Unanswered questions hold the potential for the future.



It won’t be like before. It will be better.

Sometimes things don’t work like they used to, but looking back is pointless. We bravely look forward to recognize the new opportunities that arise.


We empower people to become sustainably enthusiastic self-leaders.

That's why a functioning HUMAN OS, which organizes processes, structures, and ensures results from day one, is essential.


Clarity, Clarity, Clarity!

When people know why they’re here, it’s easier to make agreements.


Meet better

"Meetings should not be a waste of time and energy." In a 12-week program, we eliminate unnecessary meeting baggage, clarify meeting roles, optimize agendas, and ensure that meetings finally become productive.


Time for an OS Update

1. What is a Human Operating System?

The Human OS is the control center of a company, or you could say, the operating system where everything comes together. Knowing how this system works and where it needs an update is key to long-term success.

2. How is the Human OS from THX structured?

The THX Human OS is divided into three levels—Navigator, People Essentials, and Optimizer—each equipped with three update modules. When these modules are well-maintained, the company can respond to external changes and stay competitive in the long term.

3. When does a Human OS need an update?

The need for an update can arise from various situations. What we often see are unclear structures, missing frameworks, and the difficulty of taking the first steps in a certain direction due to rapid changes. That’s where our Human OS comes in.

4. Does the entire Human OS really need an update?

Don’t worry—we take a close look. Not everything needs an update, as we know many things work well; otherwise, the company wouldn’t exist. Everything that works is a resource that helps the operating system implement updates. Through our Human OS Check, we determine which modules need an update.

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