
Thomas Hauer

Duernbachweg 24

A-4643 Pettenbach


Tel: +43-664-51 43 197

UID: ATU74563046

Terms of Service:

This imprint also applies to the following social media presences and online profiles:

The content of this online offer has been created with care and to the best of our knowledge. However, it is for informational purposes only and has no legally binding effect, unless it concerns legally mandatory information (e.g., the imprint, the privacy policy, terms and conditions, or mandatory consumer instructions). We reserve the right to change or delete the content in whole or in part, provided that contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are non-binding and subject to change.

Links to External Websites:
The content of external websites that we refer to directly or indirectly is outside our area of responsibility and we do not adopt it as our own. We accept no responsibility for the content and consequences arising from the use of information available on linked websites.

Copyright and Trademark Rights:
All content displayed on this website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, trademarks, and service marks are protected by respective rights (copyrights, trademark rights). The use, reproduction, etc., are subject to our rights or the rights of the respective authors or rights holders.

Notice of Legal Violations:
If you notice any legal violations within our internet presence, please let us know. We will promptly remove unlawful content and links upon becoming aware of them.

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